The Libertyville Fishing Club holds about 18 fishing outings a year in northern Illinois and across Wisconsin. Other club activities are the annual banquet and running the Vernon Hills Park District’s children’s fishing event. The main focus of the club is to provide a platform where members can share fishing knowledge with each other. Each year the club will have speakers (tournament fisherman or guides) at several meetings to talk about new techniques or tips on specific bodies of water. The club also provides for some competition with several contests. The Fisherman of the Year contest is based on points members earn for fish they catch at club outings. The Big Fish award goes to the member who catches the largest fish of the year during any club outing. Our newest contest, the Multi-Species Master, goes to the member with the greatest combined length of five fish of different species caught during club outings. Club members winning these contests get their name on a plaque and can have their club dues paid for.