Fox Chain O' Lakes - 4/22/2023

Thirteen club members and two guests fished the Fox Chain on a chilly morning. Thank goodness it wasn’t any windier or we would have been too cold to fish! Towards the end of the outing some bands of weather moved through and we got to debate whether we were covered in sleet, hail, or graupel (and we got to learn a new word!).

The fish were biting early and slowed down by mid-morning. Jig and minnow caught most of the fish, but some nice walleye were also caught using blade baits. We caught a variety of walleye, bass, and panfish. Dave Busscher and Lou DiNicola each caught 21.25” walleye to tie for the outing big fish contest.

Our next outing is Saturday, May 6 on Lake Michigan chasing coho.