Browns Lake - July 9, 2022

We had a club outing on Browns Lake this past weekend. Thirteen club members fished a beautiful morning in weather that couldn’t have been better, and the fish even played along!

34 largemouth bass, 2 northern pike, 1 smallmouth bass, 1 rockbass, and 6 bluegill were caught for a total of 232 points. That comes out to 2.97 points per fisherman per hour, which is the second-highest of any outing so far this year! Highlights were an 18” largemouth caught by “Kayak” Ken Haney and an 18.5” largemouth that won the big fish contest for Al Silcroft. Soft plastics worked best for the bass although a few were caught on other baits as well.

“Big” Mike O. and “Little” Mike O. hosted us after the outing and served us a delicious lunch. Thank you for the hospitality!

Our next outing is July 23 on Round Lake.