Round Lake - July 23, 2022

This weekend 11 club members and one guest fished our outing at Round Lake. Our start was delayed by a thunderstorm, but we hung out together at the launch and waited for it to pass. When the lightning and thunder were finished we headed out and got about an hour of windy fishing in before we had to take shelter from another passing cell. After that it was windy but otherwise very pleasant fishing weather.

The fish were a little tough to find after a recent weed treatment that seems to have affected the entire lake. Spots that were productive for us in the past were completely devoid of both vegetation and bass. But we searched new areas and eventually found some remnant weeds and a few biting fish. We ended up catching 29 largemouth bass along with a few shorts and some other species. The outing produced a total of 152 points by our club scoring system. That calculates to 3.45 points per person per hour, which is the second highest for an outing so far this year!

Soft plastics produced the most fish, but the biggest fish were caught by kayakers trolling hard baits. Matt Biggerstaff landed an 18.25” largemouth. “Kayak” Ken Haney won the outing big fish contest with a beautiful 20.75” bass. Ken also caught a 33.75” musky that jumped out of his net and off the hook, but luckily landed in his lap in the kayak. We have heard of nice northern pike caught from Round Lake, especially through the ice, but this was the first we had heard of musky in the lake!

Our next outing is August 6th at Silver Lake. There is actually a decent musky population in Silver Lake, so maybe we’ll get a surprise catch at that outing, too!