Silver Lake - August 6, 2022

This weekend we fished at Silver Lake. It was a well-attended outing with 17 club members fishing. Unfortunately, it seemed like more club members than fish participated in the outing!

We caught 18 largemouth bass that scored points (they must be 13” or bigger), however they were all pretty small. The biggest was a 15.75-incher caught by Mike Tarnow. Either the heat of summer has the big fish inactive or the lake has been heavily overfished. We also caught 3 northern pike (the biggest, caught by Matt Biggerstaff from his kayak, was 27 1/2"), 25 bluegills, and 3 rock bass. That is a total of 133 points, which only comes out to 1.42 points per person per hour. That ranks this as one of the lowest open-water outings we have had this year.